@misc{Huang_Yande_Point-to-Point, author={Huang, Yande and Tao, Hongfeng and Chen, Yiyang and Rogers, Eric and Paszke, Wojciech (1975- )}, howpublished={online}, language={eng}, abstract={This paper applies iterative learning control to point-to-point tracking problems with a general networked structure. The data is quantized and transmitted through restricted communication channels from the controller to the actuator. Combining a logarithmic quantizer with an encoding and decoding mechanism to quantize the input signals reduces the inuence of the quantization error.}, abstract={New design algorithms are developed with conditions for convergence of the tracking error and an extension to fault-tolerant performance under actuator failures. A numerical-based case study demonstrates the application of the new designs, which includes a comparison with another ILC law and the relative merits of the encoding and decoding schemes.}, title={Point-to-Point Iterative Learning Control with Quantized Input Signal and Actuator Faults}, type={artykuł}, keywords={iterative learning control, quantized input signal, encoding-decoding mechanism, optimal design, fault-tolerant}, }