@misc{Hładowski_Łukasz_On, author={Hładowski, Łukasz and Cichy, Błażej and Gałkowski, Krzysztof and Rogers, Eric}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={Łukasz Hładowski, Błażej Cichy, Krzysztof Gałkowski, Eric Rogers In this paper further results on the development of a SCILAB compatible software package for the analysis and control of repetitive processes is described. The core of the package consists of a simulation tool which enables the user to inspect the response of a given example to an input, design a control law for stability and/or performance, and also simulate the response of a controlled process to a specified reference signal.}, title={On the development of SCILAB compatible software for the analysis and control of repetitive processes}, type={artykuł}, keywords={repetitive processes, simulation, SCILAB}, }