@misc{Laursen_Morten_Fault, author={Laursen, Morten and Blanke, Mogens and Düştegör, Dilek}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={A water for injection system supplies chilled sterile water as a solvent for pharmaceutical products. There are ultimate requirements for the quality of the sterile water, and the consequence of a fault in temperature or in flow control within the process may cause a loss of one or more batches of the production. Early diagnosis of faults is hence of considerable interest for this process.}, abstract={This study investigates the properties of multiple matchings with respect to isolability, and it suggests to explore the topologies of multiple use-modes for the process and to employ active techniques for fault isolation to enhance structural isolability of faults. The suggested methods are validated on a high-fidelity simulation of the process.}, title={Fault diagnosis of a water for injection system using enhanced structural isolation}, type={artykuł}, keywords={structural analysis, fault isolation, fault diagnosis, matching}, }