@misc{Kłos_Sławomir_Analiza, author={Kłos, Sławomir}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The scientific monograph "Analysis of discrete production processes based on the computer simulation method" covers the issues of modeling and simulation of discrete production processes using Tecnomatix Plant Simulation software. The publication proposes a methodology for rapid prototyping of a simulation model of a production system and presents the results of simulation experiments of various models of production systems.}, abstract={The research focuses on analyzing the impact of buffer and resource allocation in discrete production systems on the efficiency of production process. Simulation experiments were carried out using simulation models built on the basis of the author's practical experience in the form of case studies. When building models, the focus was particularly on mapping the actual behavior of manufacturing systems, rather than on their visualization.}, abstract={The publication presents, among others, issues regarding: the methodology of building models and planning simulation experiments, examining the impact of the allocation of inter-operation buffer capacity in production systems on the efficiency of the manufacturing process and the average product lifespan in the system (work in process), examining the impact of changing the structure of production systems, research on the impact of the selection of the number of employees (operators), the use of artificial intelligence methods in the construction of simulation models.}, abstract={The work is addressed to both research workers and students of mechanical engineering who are interested in using computer simulation methods to model and analyze processes in manufacturing enterprises. It can also be used by business practitioners, consultants and experts who deal with the design, optimization and modeling of production processes on a daily basis.}, title={Analiza dyskretnych procesów produkcyjnych oparta na metodzie symulacji komputerowej}, type={książka}, type={monografia}, keywords={modelowanie, symulacja, dyskretne procesy wytwórcze, efektywność systemu produkcyjnego, bufory międzyoperacyjne, modeling, simulation, discrete manufacturing processes, production system efficiency, inter-operation buffers}, }