@misc{Mazurkiewicz_Adam_Recepcja, author={Mazurkiewicz, Adam}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii}, language={pol}, abstract={Crisis of the anthropocentric discourse, together with expansive development of digital data, caused a situation, where human was - paradoxically - no longer placed in the center of post-modern humanities consideration. Its place was taken by forms of nonhuman consciousness, among whose hybrid-beings and the ones who are an effect of cyborgism play an important role.}, abstract={Modern art - especially its current, which situates itself in a framework of cyberculture paradigm - attempts to submit the noticed social tendencies to the artistic consideration in a cyber-cultural way, which is combining aesthetic and ethic reflection and technology. Images of non-human future contained in cultural writings, especially read from the posthumanistic manifests perspective, picture the world of future more and more distant from foregoing visions.}, abstract={A specific role in this process was ascribed to the pop-cultural circulation, in which consideration over technological conditioning of modern existence expresses one`s anxieties towards dominance of technology. For this reason in the pop-cultural texts exposed places are taken by following questions: - cyborgism treated as an inevitable consequence of the technological development; - a need to redefine culturally preserved opposition between natural and artificial; - changes in modern technological sensitivity under the influence of digitization of social reality.}, abstract={However, in the meantime it is difficult to resist the impression, that in cyberpunk we deal not with afterthought thesis of post-humanistic authors of manifests, but with using evoked by them figures of imagination to create stories, which exploit social hopes and anxieties connected with expansive development of technology.}, title={Recepcja myśli posthumanistycznej we współczesnym obiegu popularnym = Comprehension of the post-humanistic notion in contemporary popular circulation}, type={artykuł}, keywords={posthumanizm, kultura popularna, technologia, cyborg, cyfryzacja rzeczywistości, technofilia, postczłowiek, posthumanism, popular culture, anthropocentric discourse, cyberpunk}, }