@misc{Puczkow_Andriej_Eschatologia, author={Puczkow, Andriej}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii}, language={pol}, abstract={Julian A. Kułakowski (1855-1919), Professor of the Roman rhetoric on the Imperial St. Włodzimierz?s University, Russified Pole, gave two public lectures in Kiev, one was about Lucretius (in 1887), the second one about Epicurus (in 1889). In 1899 he published the book titled: "Death and immortality in the ancient Greeks` images". Taken together, they are probably the first in the Russian humanities historico-philosophical views that concern the process of the integration of the form of Greco-Roman world view into eschatology and epicureanism at that time, views that at the turn of the XIX and XX century were moderated by decadent (tu brakuje słowa w polskim abstrakcie) of the intellectuals of the Silver Age.}, abstract={In the article, on the basis of archives, careful reading and analysis of different contexts, the problematics of the history, theory of origin and functioning in the mythico-poetical space of this epoch was elaborated. The article shows the way in which Kułakowski reconstructs the ancient idea of human being based on the mythical attributivity, wherein human being functions integrally and exhaustively in both: the realistic world, and in the afterlife. This situation results from the specific corporality figure construed on the basis of the myth, corporality that has different levels and embraces the body, as well as the soul, and finally it allows this human soul to continue the existence in the afterlife.}, title={Eschatologia i epikureizm w starożytnym świecie: Julian Kułakowski o ludzkiej naturze w mitologii grecko-rzymskiej = Eschatology and epicureanism in the ancient world: Julian Kułakowski on the human nature in the greco-roman mythology}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Kułakowski, Julian (1855-1919), eschatologia antycznej Grecji, Epikur (filozof grecki; 341 p.n.e.-270 p.n.e.), epikureizm, mitologia grecka, mitologia rzymska, eschatology, ancient Greece, Epicurus, Epicureanism, the Ancient Greece Mythology, the Roman Mythology}, }