@misc{Łuczak_Anna_Muzyka, author={Łuczak, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii}, language={pol}, abstract={The article consists of the analyses concerning the possibilities of connecting teaching mathematics and music in the preschool and the elementary education. The author presented the role of the musical education in the upbringing and the shaping of the children?s characters. This type of education is directed not only on the musical development of the child, but it also influences its intellectual, physical and social development. As it was indicated in the text there are the possibilities of the implementation of music in the shaping of the given mathematical notions.}, abstract={It results from the nature of both these branches of science, f. ex. the sound, that is the basic element of music, has the physical parameters that can be used in mathematical way, also the structure of musical composition can be grasped mathematically. The contemporary didactics nowadays is focused often on the creation of the concrete propositions in the teaching process and on the examination of their effectiveness. This enterprise is placed in the field of search for the content common to music and mathematics, which should and can be joined in the integrated education.}, abstract={Only when we act with the help of many stimuli at the same time, also with the help of different art signs, we can create increased, multisensitive perception, and the integrated application of musical content creates the chance to arouse every pupil?s interest in art. It also makes it easier to understand many problems from the broad range of mathematical subjects. The article is a try to connect the analyses from pedagogy of music with mathematics with the elements of developmental psychology.}, title={Muzyka jako narzędzie kształtowania myślenia matematycznego w edukacji dzieci = Music as a tool for the shaping of mathematical thinking in the primary education}, type={artykuł}, keywords={dziecko, edukacja, nauczanie, matematyka, muzyka, kształcenie zintegrowane, child, education, teaching, mathematics, music, integrated education}, }