@misc{Jamrozik_Katarzyna_Wpisani, author={Jamrozik, Katarzyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii}, language={pol}, abstract={"Zielona Góra Library Science Studies" has been published since 2002 by Regional and Municipal Cyprian Norwid`s Public Library in Zielona Gora. The first four notebooks of this scientific periodical were historico-bibliographical monographies, tightly connected with the regional problematics. In the first volume Grzegorz Chmielewski presented the history of Polish folk libraries on the West border, in the second one - Janusz Rećko prepared the detailed description of Włodzimierz Korsak`s archives, in the third one - Dawid Kotlarek juxtaposed the bibliography of Zielona Gora in the German writings until 1945, in the next volume Jarosław Kuczer worked out the collection of correspondence by Hermina von Reuss.`}, abstract={In 2013 "Zielona Gora Library Science Studies" were transformed in the yearbook that appeared as the collection of scientific articles written by different authors connected with the most important centers of science and cultural institution in Poland. The presented texts were previously announced on the Library Science`s conversatories organized by Regional and Municipal Cyprian Norwid`s Public Library in Zielona Gora.}, title={Wpisani w krajobraz naukowy - "Zielonogórskie Studia Bibliotekoznawcze" = Inscribed in the scientific landscape - "Zielona Góra Library Science Studies"}, type={artykuł}, keywords={"Zielonogórskie Studia Bibliotekoznawcze", czasopisma naukowe, czasopisma bibliotekoznawcze, "Zielona Góra Library Science Studies", scientific magazines, library, science magazines}, }