@misc{Merkulova_Tamara_Trust, author={Merkulova, Tamara and Bitkova, Tatiana}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii}, language={eng}, abstract={There are 2 ways of trust measuring - experimental (using laboratory or field experiment) and sociological one (survey). Both are widely used by researchers all over the world. Therefore, comparison of experimental and sociological results is a hot topic, considered in many scientific works. In Ukraine laboratory experiments are not yet widespread in studying of trust, and mostly sociological methods are used.}, abstract={The paper examines the following issues: comparative analysis of sociological and experimental methods of trust measurement; an overview of the basic laboratory experiments used to study trust and cooperation; comparative analysis "experiments versus surveys": presentation of the results of laboratory experiments Public Good Game (PG), conducted by the authors in the Ukraine; matching of the results of sociological and experimental measuring of confidence in Ukraine.}, abstract={The known laboratory experiments on verification of behavioral hypotheses, related to trust and cooperation, are the following: Trust Game (TG), Dictator Game (DG), a combination of TG-DG, Public Good Game (PG) and its modifications. Regarding the first three experiments, studies have shown that: 1) the outcome of the game significantly deviates from Nash equilibrium and the participants show deviation from self-regarding behavior; 2) experimental results may serve as valid assessments of the level of trust to people, namely trust to strangers.}, abstract={We have conducted a number of PG experiments among the students in order to assess the level of trust and to compare it with the results of surveys in Ukraine. In our experiments, it was found that: 1) almost 100% of participants made non-zero contributions; 2) the average contribution was 50% of participant?s revenue and is very stable. Outcomes of experiments allow to talk about certain coherence with the results of sociological surveys to estimate trust, held in Ukraine.}, title={Trust measurement: comparative analysis of experimental and sociological methods = Mierzenie poziomu zaufania: analizy porównawcze metod eksperymentalnych i socjologicznych}, type={artykuł}, keywords={zaufanie, eksperyment laboratoryjny, sondaż, gry PG (Public Good), trust, laboratory experiment, sociological survey, PG game}, }