@misc{Spieker_Ira_Contact, author={Spieker, Ira and Kleinmann, Sarah and Bretschneider, Uta}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii}, language={eng}, abstract={This article results from a research project recently started at the Institute of Saxon History and Cultural Anthropology (Dresden) which aims to analyse "contact zones" in the Polish-Czech-German Border Region. It gives an insight into the work programme, discusses the methodological approach and presents some interim results. The time frame for the cultural-anthropological research project is set with reference to historical developments in these borderlands since World War II.}, abstract={The core questions of the project are how representations and functions of commemorative culture are performed and how the past and the present are negotiated in the border regions: How do people cope with their own past and the official representation of history? Which consequences are still visible today, after Germany, the Czech Republic, and Poland became EU-members?}, abstract={What kind of new impulses have been derived from those mostly young residents who have chosen the border regions as their home today? How does transnational cooperation work in this context? The thesis is that there are many cross-border activities as well as many obstacles that hinder cooperation.}, title={Contact zones. Constructing identity in the Polish-Czech-German border region = Strefy kontaktowe. Konstruowanie tożsamości w polsko-czesko-niemieckim regionie przygranicznym}, type={artykuł}, keywords={rejony/obszary kontaktowe, pogranicze polsko-czesko-niemieckie, II (druga) wojna światowa, antropologia kulturowa, contact zones, remembrance, Polish-Czech-German border region, world war II, cultural anthropology}, }