@misc{Drożka_Wanda_Maria_Wyobrażenia, author={Drożka, Wanda Maria}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii}, language={pol}, abstract={The article shows the results of the research on teachers` personal, individual, and broader - global - expectations about the future. The study is an attempt to compare the social, life, and professional values of the currently working teachers with the values of the persons teaching 25 years ago. As the comparative material for the investigation, the author used the results of the research performed at the turn of 1989 and 1990. The research results suggest that despite numerous positive democratic changes at school, there still persists a kind of the "shortage syndrome", i.e. a poor atmosphere in interpersonal relations, in the school environment, and the social surroundings of schools.}, abstract={What teachers would want least is: losing their jobs, illnesses, wars, disintegration of the country, collapse of democracy, and contamination of environment. They would want: good health, material security for their families, good interpersonal relations, infrastructural and economic improvement, and peace in the world. The research shows that for teachers as a social and professional group with a special status social and global values are invariably important.}, abstract={After 25 years of the neo-liberal system, the researched would like: greater care about citizens, equal treatment of citizens, social justice, a normal and fair government taking care of citizens` needs, national consensus, an end to the conflicts in the Polish nation, national consensus for future and young generations, an end to disagreements, peace in the world, and peaceful cooperation among nations. The collected material allows for the observation that among teachers, despite the passage of years, there still persists a rather high level of civil and social activism engagement, as well as the sense of social and cultural responsibility for the future of young generations.}, title={Wyobrażenia i oczekiwania nauczycieli wobec przyszłości = Teachers` ideas and expectations about the future}, type={artykuł}, keywords={nauczyciele, badania, wyobrażenia o przyszłości, osobiste i globalne wartości, teacher, researches, ideas about the future, personal and global values}, }