@misc{Szempruch_Jolanta_Współczesny, author={Szempruch, Jolanta}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii}, language={pol}, abstract={The dynamic development of new production techniques, of storage, processing, and transmission of information (which naturally leads to social, economic, and cultural changes) has also impact on the functioning of the educational system and the teacher?s work. Information and communication technologies are becoming a basic element of the development of information society. Schools of every level are undergoing an intensive process of electronization and digitalization of the education process. Also, work on electronization and digitalization of textbooks and didactic materials is in progress. Library functions and tools, education models, and didactic methods are changing.}, abstract={The Internet has an increasing number of areas of application in the education process: it enables the improvement of distance learning techniques. Consequently, changes in man?s functioning in society require preparing young people for new challenges. A radical change in what is happening around school and at school itself requires a new view on the sense of the teacher?s work, his functions, tasks, and competences. Their perception changes in accordance with the changes in social and educational axiology and teleology, which must be harmonized with the vision, conceptions, and assumptions of education.}, abstract={The teacher`s role is being redefined towards more partnership relations with pupils and their parents, using numerous communication tools by means of which teachers can organize classroom education. The teacher is becoming an expert for learning issues; he should foster pupils` talents, their eagerness, and enthusiasm; prepare pupils for life, understanding the world, and self-management. Important are his communicative, projective, and organizational skills, indispensable in pedagogical work and in triggering students` creativity.}, title={Współczesny nauczyciel w przestrzeni technologii informacyjnych = The contemporary teacher in the area of information technologies}, type={artykuł}, keywords={nauczyciele, cyberkultura, technologie informacyjne, społeczeństwo informacyjne, wyzwania edukacyjne, komunikowanie się, kompetencje, teacher, cyberculture, information technologies, information society, educational}, }