@misc{Popławska_Agata_Wyzwania, author={Popławska, Agata and Aniskievich, Tatiana}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii}, language={pol}, abstract={How to find one`s place in the world dominated by digital media? How to use the ensuing changes for personal development, self-fulfilment, and optimal functioning in media reality? How to deal with excessive information, a false picture of reality, homogenized cultural offer, indirectness and superficiality of social contacts, moral threats in cyberspace?}, abstract={As a remedy, the authors propose possessing and using cognitive, axiological, social, and information competences. The aim of this article is to characterize cyberspace, identify benefits and threats related to "plunging" into the world of digital media, and to identify the teacher`s and pupil`s competences indispensable for good functioning in media society.}, abstract={In the first part of the text, the authors present selected functions of media; analyse benefits and threats related to virtualization, informatization, and mediatisation of reality. In the second part, convinced about particular importance of competences for optimal and mature participation in media society, the authors discuss teachers` and pupils` cognitive, axiological, social, and information competences.}, title={Wyzwania cyberprzestrzeni a wybrane kompetencje nauczycieli i uczniów = Challenges in cyberspace and selected compitences of the teacher and the pupil}, type={artykuł}, keywords={cyberprzestrzeń, media cyfrowe, kompetencje poznawcze, kompetencje społeczne, kompetencje aksjologiczne, kompetencje informatyczne, cyberspace, digital media, cognitive competences, social competences, axiological competences, information competences}, }