@misc{Nowakowski_Piotr_T._Cooperation, author={Nowakowski, Piotr T.}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii}, language={eng}, abstract={The author focused on deontological considerations regarding the cooperation between academic workers in the reality of Polish universities. In view of the possible irregularities that threaten this cooperation, it was investigated what solutions to this issue are offered by the ethical codes of universities, but also how this problem is perceived by students, who tend to be critical and keen observers.}, abstract={As far as the codification of norms regarding the issue in question is concerned, the situation in the Polish academic environment is not bad. It seems that the problem has been noticed. However, when those documents are regarded not so much as a collection of written as of actually recognized values, then the quoted student remarks would prove that further work of qualitative and quantitative character needs to be done in this respect.}, abstract={One obvious conclusion is drawn from the conducted analyses. Undermining the authority of one academic worker by another - especially, in the eyes of students - results not only in weakening the authority of the humiliated person, but mainly of the humiliating individual. Moreover, it vitiates the authority of academic workers in general.}, title={Cooperation between academic workers: deontological considerations in the aspect of Poland = Kwestia współpracy między pracownikami akademickimi: rozważania deontologiczne w aspekcie polskim}, type={artykuł}, keywords={academic worker, academic community, intra-academic collaboration, academic ethical code, academic deontology, pracownik akademicki, środowisko akademickie, współpraca wewnątrzakademicka, akademicki kodeks etyczny, deontologia akademicka}, }