@misc{Rzeszotek_Mariusz_Skład, author={Rzeszotek, Mariusz and Rynkiewicz, Mateusz and Rzeszotek, Klaudia and Rynkiewicz, Tadeusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii}, language={pol}, abstract={Knowledge on the influence of birth dystrophy on the whole body composition and its segments in the later stages of ontogeny is ambiguous. There is also little information on forming the indicators of the body fat mass index (FFMI) and the fat free mas index (BFMI) in dystrophic children. Therefore, differences in the whole body composition and its segments as well as the BFMI and FFMI values were determined in children aged 8-13 depending on their birth weight. The following hypotheses were put forward: 1. Birth dystrophy significantly affects body composition in children aged 8-13; 2. The BFMI and the FFMI are useful indicators of controlling the physical development in children with different birth weight.}, abstract={The study of body composition involved children aged 8-13 years. The respondents were divided into 3 groups: hypotrophic children (n=18), eutrophic children (n=138), and hypertrophic children (n=15). Information on a child's birth weight and gestational age was obtained with the diagnostic poll method. To measure body composition, the au-thors used the "Tanita BC-418MA Body Composition Analyzer" and applied Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA). There were significant differences in all the parameters of the whole body composition and its segments depending on the birth weight.}, abstract={Fetal hypotrophy is accompanied by a decrease in the values of individual parameters of body composition compared to the children born as eutrophic. In the group of children with fetal hypertrophy, the values were elevated. The BFMI and FFMI values change similarly to the parameters of the whole body composition. The analysis of the BFMI and FFMI values is a useful tool to control whether dystrophic children, who are particularly vulnerable to abnormalities, develop properly.}, title={Skład ciała dzieci w wieku 8-13 lat w zależności od ich urodzeniowej masy ciała = Body composition of childrenaged 8-13 inrelationto their birth weight}, type={artykuł}, keywords={skład ciała, dziecko, urodzeniowa masa ciała, body composition, child, birth weight}, }