@misc{Hojny_Paulina_Implementation, author={Hojny, Paulina and Narkiewicz-Niedbalec, Ewa}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={eng}, abstract={The article addresses the issue of lifelong learning implemented by associations and foundations working in the spheres of education and culture on the Polish-Czech-German borderland and involving representatives of at least two of these neighbouring nations. The analysis involved eight such organizations. The authors indicated various theoretical conceptualizations of the idea of lifelong learning. The presented conceptualizations range from those linked to the performed profession, or the profession to which one should switch, to the latest conceptualizations, i.e., those in which lifelong learning encompasses various forms of education implemented throughout the individual?s life, from childhood to the retirement.}, abstract={The analysis of the gathered materials concentrated on pointing to those activity forms that comply with the de?nition criteria of lifelong learning and provide the uno?cial civic education that shapes civic attitudes related to the idea of uni?ed Europe and the speci?city of NGOs on the borderland. The latter consists in building better relations between neighbours, formulating and proliferating the "put straight" version of history, particularly after WWII.}, title={Implementation of the idea of lifelong learning in NGOs on the Polish-Czech-German borderland = Realizacja idei lifelong learning na pograniczu polsko-czesko-niemieckim w organizacjach pozarządowych (NGO)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={lifelong learning, Polish-Czech-German borderland, NGOs, uczenie się przez całe życie, pogranicze polsko-czesko-niemieckie}, }