@misc{Nersisyan_Sona_Effects, author={Nersisyan, Sona}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={eng}, abstract={The topic of the article is inspired by the global ?ow of labour migration, especially the growing pace of this migration in Armenia in recent years. The widespread Armenian diaspora has become an additional factor in?uencing the formation of a transnational network of labour migration. This network implies a new approach to labour migration and research on its consequences. The main aim of this article is to examine the social consequences of labour migration, in particular its impact on social changes in the country of origin. On the basis of the migration approach, the exchange approach and the social network, the article discusses how labour migration a?ects social changes, which aspects are a?ected, and what speci?c manifestations it has. The study was conducted with the use of secondary source analysis methods and document analysis.}, title={Effects of labour migration on social change in the country of origin = Wpływ migracji zarobkowej na zmiany społeczne w kraju pochodzenia}, type={artykuł}, keywords={social change, labour migration, host country, country of origin, diaspora, zmiana społeczna, migracja zarobkowa, kraj przyjmujący, kraj pochodzenia}, }