@misc{Herudziński_Tomasz_Zmiany, author={Herudziński, Tomasz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={The article analyses the processes of change in Polish villages, which result from the fact that new residents are settling down in their areas. A signi?cant number of Polish villages is subject to processes resulting from demographic and population changes, which entails cultural and social changes. Drawing on the theoretical concept of ruralization at the empirical level, the author analyses the opinions of the inhabitants of Czarny Las, a village which was treated as an exempli?cation of the previously de?ned processes.}, abstract={The article aims to indicate awareness changes: perception, knowledge and commitment from the perspective of the new internal diversi?cation of contemporary rural population, which is the result of internal migration of the Polish society from urban to rural areas. The perception of the inhabitants of Czarny Las, which is administratively a village, turned out to be diverse and incompatible with the formal state of a?airs. Most residents associate Czarny Las with the city and perceive the village as a housing estate or a district.}, abstract={Less than one third of respondents perceive the village in line with the administrative nomenclature. The di?culties in clearly de?ning the place of residence in the traditional rural-urban division are exacerbated by the fact that a signi?cant number of respondents were not able to de?ne their place of residence from this perspective.}, title={Zmiany na obszarach wiejskich w Polsce - percepcja, wiedza i zaangażowanie "starych" i "nowych" mieszkańców wsi = Changes in rural areas in Poland - perception, knowledge and commitment of the "old" and "new" rural inhabitants}, type={artykuł}, keywords={zmiana, wieś, obszary wiejskie, mieszkańcy wsi, ruralizacja, deterytorializacja, change, village, rural areas, rural residents, ruralization, deterritorialization}, }