@misc{Kaźmierczak-Kałużna_Izabela_Gdzie, author={Kaźmierczak-Kałużna, Izabela}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={For three decades, the fertility rate in Poland has been below the level of simple replacement of generations, and long-term demographic forecasts do not indicate any immediate improvement in this respect. The measures taken in recent years as part of a pro-family policy have proved to be ine?ective. This also applies to the "Family 500+" programme introduced in 2016. After an initial increase noted between 2016 and 2017, the fertility rate dropped again.}, abstract={The article attempts to answer the question as to why the programme, de?ned as a pronatalistic one, does not yield the expected results despite the announcements of its creators. The analysis of the causes of this phenomenon takes into account both demographic conditions, resulting from the decreasing number of women of reproductive age, and socio-cultural factors, including those resulting from the second demographic transition, changes in family and fertility models, which are re?ected in preferences and attitudes towards procreation.}, title={Gdzie te dzieci? O pronatalistycznej (nie)efektywności programu "Rodzina 500 plus" = Where are the children? On the pronatalistic (non)effectiveness of the "Family 500 plus" programme}, type={artykuł}, keywords={dzietność, wskaźnik dzietności, Program "Rodzina 500+", polityka prorodzinna, drugie przejście demogra?czne, fertility, fertility rate, "Family 500+" programme, pro-family policy, second demographic transition}, }