@misc{Bury_Przemysław_Praca, author={Bury, Przemysław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={Alongside revolution, political transformation is one of the fundamental forms of transforming reality and creating a new political, economical and social order. The Polish transformation of the 1990s meant a move away from the system of popular democracy, which implemented the "great ideas of socialism" towards parliamentary democracy and the constitutional principle of a "social market economy". This radical process bene?ted the vast majority of the Polish society in many ways, but there are still groups that are unable to cope with the new reality.}, abstract={This is why the area of social assistance is growing in importance, the task of which is not only to ful?ll the functions of social security and restore employability, but also to stimulate the development of new social and welfare services. These tasks are performed by social workers working directly with people in need of support and assistance. The adequate preparation of the candidate (student) for the proper professional performance is an ongoing educational challenge. The interdisciplinary and eclectic nature of the social work theory and, at the same time, the diverse possibilities of working in this profession do not facilitate the creation of a relatively stable educational model.}, title={Praca socjalna - eklektyczna czy praktyczna? Rozważania wokół sposobów kształcenia pracowników socjalnych i ich konsekwencji = Social work - eclectic or practical? Reflections on the ways of training social workers and their consequences}, type={artykuł}, keywords={pomoc społeczna, pracownik socjalny, kształcenie, social assistance, social worker, training}, }