@misc{Czernecka_Julita_Miłość, author={Czernecka, Julita}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the article is to increase the knowledge of the development of romantic relationships, taking into account the subjective perspective of the respondents. The author analysed the opinions and experiences of the participants of the study about the intimate relationship as a process in time and those concerning the identi?cation and signi?cance of each stage of "living together". What became important were the answers to the questions of how the respondents talk about the course of their romantic relationships; whether in their case the relationship has a speci?c pattern and how they characterize its trajectory.}, abstract={The analysed empirical material consists of online focus interviews (BBD - Bulletin Board Discussion online). The nature of the research is exploratory. It included 42 people aged 18-55 of di?erent sexual orientation, educated at secondary or university level. The analysis of the material indicates that the study participants identi?ed the following stages: infatuation and falling in love, early love and mature love. For the participants, love is the key, albeit variable, bond of an intimate relationship. They de?ne "true love" di?erently from the emotions that accompany the phase of infatuation and falling in love.}, abstract={The analysis shows that various life events play a bu?er role in the process of transitioning through the successive stages of the relationship. The results con?rm the hypothesis that modern couples are subject to the process of active relationship building. As a result, their trajectories of love become a constant challenge, but the participants are largely aware of this.}, title={Miłość jako zmienny w czasie proces - opinie i doświadczenia kobiet I mężczyzn dotyczące przebiegu związku intymnego = Love as a process changing over time - opinions and experiences of women and men concerning the development of intimate relationships}, type={artykuł}, keywords={miłość, związek miłosny, związek intymny, socjologa pary, fazy miłości, etapy miłości, love, romantic relationship, intimate relationship, sociology of the couple, love phases, love stages}, }