@misc{Kopaczyńska_Iwona_Edukacja, author={Kopaczyńska, Iwona}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={The author discusses the contradictions regarding three issues related to early school education. They can be observed in the following range: the socially shared views on the education of children in the early school stage;the way the teachers understand their own teaching activity; the strategy of didactic thinking present in the early school education. Each one of these issues is a specific perspective on the educational observation of the youngest pupils and it significantly impacts the organization, possible changes and the process in its field.}, title={Edukacja wczesnoszkolna w splocie sprzeczności = Early school education in a tangle of contradictions}, type={artykuł}, keywords={poglądy na temat edukacji, rozumienie własnej edukacji, rozumienie nauczycielskiej roli, strategie dydaktyczne, edukacja wczesnoszkolna, early childhood education, views on education, understandingone`s own education, understanding the teacher`s role, didactic strategies}, }