@misc{Pospiszyl_Kazimierz_(1938-_)_Wyznaczniki, author={Pospiszyl, Kazimierz (1938- )}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={This article presents recommendations for both the diagnosis and therapy of sex offenders with low intellectual capacity. Although this group requires separate diagnostic methods, the same therapeutic methods can be used with them as the ones which are effective for offenders without intellectual difficulties. The sexual life of people with intellectual disabilities is more difficult and complicated than their functioning in other areas of life. In the case of sexual deviant behaviour, their social perception deteriorates, social ostracism increases and, at the same time, theirself-esteem decreases.}, abstract={This article presents several methods of diagnosingthe risk of illegal and inappropriate behaviours and the likelihood of reoccurrence of prohibited behaviours experienced by the diagnosed persons.The presented therapeutic methods are Old Me / New Me - a group therapy method, popular and effective in teaching people with intellectual disabilities to evaluate appropriate and inappropriate behaviours. The second method is the Good Life Model. Yet another one is a method used to reveal and reinforce the good qualities present in each individual.}, title={Wyznaczniki skuteczności terapii przestępców seksualnych wykazujących cechy niepełnosprawności intelektualnej = Determinants of effectiveness of the therapy of sex offenders who display intellectual disability features}, type={artykuł}, keywords={metody diagnozy, metody terapii, Dawny Ja / Nowy Ja, Model Dobrego Życia, diagnosis methods, therapy methods, Old Me / New Me, Good Life Model}, }