@misc{Kordyaka_Bastian_Explaining, author={Kordyaka, Bastian and Kruse, Björn and Niehaves, Björn}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={eng}, abstract={Based on assumptions from marketing and social psychology, this paper aims at obtaining a better understanding on how to engage consumers in e-Sports using brand identification and demographic dispositions (i.e., age, education) as antecedent variables. We collected a sample of 216 League of Legends consumers, via the crowdsourcing marketplace Mechanical Turk to explain consumer engagement of e-Sports brands. Using a quasi-experimental approach and structural equation modelling, we show that brand identification affects consumer engagement in a positive manner. Our results indicate that age has a negative and education a positive influence on brand identification and consumer engagement.}, title={Explaining consumer engagement in e-sports - demographic and social considerations = Badanie zaangażowania konsumentów w e-sport - uwarunkowania demograficzne i społeczne}, type={artykuł}, keywords={e-sports, Consumer Engagement, social identity, BrandManagement, age, education, e-sport, zaangażowanie konsumentów, tożsamość społeczna, zarządzanie marką, wiek, edukacja}, }