@misc{Koperska_Natalia_Możliwość, author={Koperska, Natalia}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={The computer games industry is growing rapidly and is attracting more and more fans. It is increasingly difficult to find a young or middle-agedperson who would not enjoy this type of entertainment. This also applies to athletes. For this reason, computer games and their impact on their users are becoming an object of interest for researchers. The aim of this literature review was to describe the latest research results concerning the applicability of computer games in mental training.}, abstract={The author compared the findings described in 55 articles on the influence of computer games on such aspects as: visual sensitivity and sensitivity to contrast, spatial skills, motor and cognitive skills, memory, attention, reaction time, decision making, brain structure, pro- and anti-social behaviour, communication skills and leadership skills. The analysis of the studies shows that computer games, when used properly, can have educational value (apart from their entertainment value), and can be used as an element of mental training.}, title={Możliwość zastosowania gier komputerowych w treningu mentalnym = The applicability of computer games in mental training}, type={artykuł}, keywords={percepcja, uwaga, podejmowanie decyzji, umiejętności interpersonalne, komunikacja, perception, attention, decision making, interpersonal skills, communication}, }