@misc{Urbaniak-Zając_Danuta_Subiektywność, author={Urbaniak-Zając, Danuta}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={This article formulates a thesis that the meaning of "subjectivity" and "objectivity" is not obvious and it is difficult to preserve in empirical research their "ontological" understanding. The justification behind drawing attention to this - seemingly - obvious issue is still occurring (especially among people superficially familiar with quality methodology) conviction, that quantity research aspire to "objective cognition", unlike, quality research - aspires to the presentation of an individual, "subjective perspective" of human experiences.}, abstract={I argue by recalling an example of alike sounding statements by graduates of pedagogy, which were subject to a researcher interpretation and they turned out to have significantly different meanings (similar words, different structural sense). I also introduce here (in short) the method of objective hermeneutics, signalling the basic assumptions and technical solutions applied while interpreting data. Although, I refer to empirical material, I do not present research results (I do not discuss the chosen issue) however, I pay attention to the difficulties with the reconstruction of "subjective" meanings and senses.}, title={Subiektywność - obiektywność poznania. Refleksje metodologiczne w kontekście badania wzorów doświadczeń zawodowych absolwentów pedagogiki = Subjectivity - objectivity of cognition. Methodological afterthoughts in the context of research on the models of professional experiences of pedagogy graduates}, type={artykuł}, keywords={subiektywność, obiektywność, poznanie, kognitywistyka}, }