@misc{Surmiak_Adrianna_Kłamstwo, author={Surmiak, Adrianna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={Quality sociologists and culture anthropologists comparatively rarely examine the question of a lie. It is more often the concern of research by psychologists mainly by means of quantity methods. It seems to be resulting from some difficulties in the research itself which is connected with the accurate recognition of a lie.}, abstract={The article discusses the abovementioned difficulties and at the same time it points to the possibilities to overcome them based on chosen quality research concerning lie. It further stresses some advantages arising from the analysis of the question in the quality frame, based on research carried out in Catholic Centre of Crisis Intervention for women at risk of prostitution or those who strive to stop prostituting.}, title={Kłamstwo jako przedmiot badań jakościowych. Ograniczenia i możliwości = A lie as the subject of quality research. Limitations and possibilities}, type={artykuł}, keywords={kłamstwo, badania jakościowe, socjologia, antropologia kulturowa}, }