@misc{Nikitorowicz_Jerzy_(1951-_)_Wyzwania, author={Nikitorowicz, Jerzy (1951- )}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={Multicultural Europe and the world itself need today the tolerance not only for the defined differences, but for the new, variable and dynamic hybrid identities. There is a need not only for the tolerance for many cultures in one society, but also for the tolerance for many cultures in one man. Trans?nationality, trans-culture, super-diversity become potential strategies of including immigrants into pluralistic societies.}, abstract={The citizens of particular countries differ and want to be different and more and more often claim the right to redefine their personal and cultural identities. Thus - what I refer to in this article - the intercultural education plays and may play an important part (of a translator and mediator between cultures) sensitizing to the far gone diversity of our planet`s inhabitants.}, title={Wyzwania i zadania współczesnego uniwersytetu z perspektywy edukacji międzykulturowej = Challenges and tasks of the contemporary university from the perspective of intercultural education}, type={artykuł}, keywords={szkolnictwo wyższe, uniwersytet, edukacja międzykulturowa}, }