@misc{Izdebski_Zbigniew_(1956-_)_Wstrzemięźliwość, author={Izdebski, Zbigniew (1956- ) and Paprzycka, Emilia}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={Sex life of single men and women is an issue overlooked by the researches dealing with the description of this social category but the one that is present in the social consciousness in the form of opposite stereotypes. Women living alone are perceived either as unattractive, asexual and unwanted, or as so called liberated women - very liberal in terms of sex life.}, abstract={Men living alone are assigned the label of a loser, often a gay or a playboy treating women as objects and having many casual sexual contacts. The aim of the paper is to answer the following questions: What is sexual activity of single men and women like? Does a gender of a single man or woman differentiate their sexual behaviours? What risk behaviours in terms of sex life are characteristic for single men and women? The answer was generated on the basis of surveys carried out on a representative sample of adult Poles living alone (between the ages of 18-49).}, abstract={The research showed the differentiation of sexual behaviours between the groups of women and men living alone and within these groups. In general, sexual behaviours of people living alone can be located on a continuum - between the withdrawal from the male-female relationship and the intensity of such relationships.}, title={Wstrzemięźliwość czy promiskuityzm? Analiza zachowań seksualnych polskich singielek i singli = Abstinence or promiscuity? Analysis of sexual risk behaviours of Polish single men and women}, type={artykuł}, keywords={single life, single women, single men, sexual behaviour, risky sexual behaviours, single, zachowania seksualne, zachowania ryzykowne}, }