@misc{Maciejewska_Tatiana_Zachowania, author={Maciejewska, Tatiana and Trzciński, Paweł}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the paper is to draw attention to the problems associated with an attempt to achieve an "ideal" (muscular, devoid of adipose tissue) male body by means of steroids. It presents risk behaviours undertaken by men who suit the above pattern - exercising in gyms and at risk of body dysmorphia - a body dysmorphic disorder (BDD).}, abstract={This disorder is defined as focusing the attention on one`s own body and searching imaginative defects which disturb functioning in social life. It affects both women and men and usually begins in an adolescence period; sometimes it turns into a chronic state. Johnston and Joni (1994, p.33) emphasize that BDD may also begin in adulthood. As a result of the disorder a sufferer undertakes risk behaviours, namely they take anabolic agents (generally called steroids). The article includes the information on the causes and effects of using steroids.}, title={Zachowania ryzykowne podejmowane przez mężczyzn zagrożonych bigoreksją = Risk behaviours undertaken by men at risk of body dysmorphia}, type={artykuł}, keywords={body dysmorphic disorder, bigorexia, sex identity, steroids, addiction, zaburzenia dysmorficzne ciała, bigoreksja, tożsamość płciowa, sterydy, uzależnienia}, }