@misc{Grabowska-Lusińska_Izabela_Przejście, author={Grabowska-Lusińska, Izabela}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={The paper deals with the problems associated with entering into the labour market by graduates of various kinds of schools. However, it applies to a specific group of young Poles - migrants, who experienced professional initiation on foreign labour market. The article refers to the process of transition from education to foreign labour market, which is not related to a single act of undertaking work abroad, but to the period of entering into the foreign labour market, to the transition from one state on the labour market to another.}, abstract={The author used diverse data: the data from public statistics BAEL and data obtained from other sources - ethno-survey data, qualitative structured interviews and professional biographies. In the analysis, three categories of young Poles entering into the foreign labour market were identified: graduates of British universities, graduates of Polish universities and graduates of secondary and vocational schools from small towos and villages.}, abstract={Subsequently, these groups were portrayed using quantitative and qualitative data. As an example, the author showed the representations of professional biographies of the young in all discussed categories and referred them to the models of transition from education to domestic labour markets by the young.}, title={Przejście z edukacji na zagraniczny rynek pracy młodych Polaków = The transition from education to foreign labour market of young Poles}, type={artykuł}, keywords={migrations, self-development, gainful activity, labour market, subject perpetration, migracje, samorozwój, działalność zarobkowa, rynek pracy, sprawstwo podmiotowe}, }