@misc{Róg-Ilnicka_Joanna_Elastyczne, author={Róg-Ilnicka, Joanna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the article is to introduce the results of qualitative research on "Social and individual consequences of non-standard forms of employment" with particular emphasis on young inhabitants of Lubuskie Region, who often start their professional career path as non-standard employees. A depth interview was the technique used in the research and the interviewers had prepared instructions for the interview.}, abstract={The respondents were selected on the basis of a "snowball" rule - each subsequent respondent was identified by the former one. The research was conducted in May and June 2012. The analysis of obtained responses may be the answer to one of the most important questions concerning flexible labour market - Are non-standard forms of employment a temporary form of coping on the unstable labour market typical for young people or are they becoming an integral part of the professional career of every man?}, title={Elastyczne kariery młodych Lubuszan - strategie radzenia sobie na współczesnym rynku pracy = Flexible careers of young inhabitants of Lubuskie Region - strategies for coping on the contemporary labour market}, type={artykuł}, keywords={labour market, flexible forms of employment, professional career, depth interview, rynek pracy, elastyczne formy zatrudnienia, kariera zawodowa, rozmowa kwalifikacyjna}, }