@misc{Pakshin_Pavel_Experimentally, author={Pakshin, Pavel and Mandra, Sławomir and Emelianova, Julia and Rogers, Eric and Erwiński, Krystian and Gałkowski, Krzysztof}, howpublished={online}, language={eng}, abstract={This paper addresses the problem of input saturation in iterative learning control, a problem area that has seen relatively little research effort. A new design is developed based on a branch of 2D systems theory, and, in particular, Lyapunov based stability theory. The resulting design is compared in simulation with an alternative. In the final part of the paper the results of an in depth experimental investigation of the new designs properties are reported.}, title={Experimentally Validated Vector Lyapunov Function-Based Iterative Learning Control Design Under Input Saturation}, type={artykuł}, keywords={control input saturation, iterative learning control (ILC) design, repetitive processes, vector Lyapunov functions}, }