@misc{Szóstak_Anna_Migracje, author={Szóstak, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The paper provides insights into those aspects and dimensions of migration that can by no means be squeezed into the existing classifications of this phenomenon, while at the same time attracting most of Tokarczuk`s attention. Migration is therefore viewed through an ontological lens as a metaphysical and existential imperative, through an epistemological lens as a search for meaning and answer, and finally through an axiological lens as a protest against the world and also a manifestation of attitudes towards it.}, abstract={Accordingly, the article sets out to confirm the assumption that the idea of migration, as understood and elaborated on by the author of "The Journey of the Book People", "Flights" and "The Books of Jacob", goes beyond the hard determinism of necessity, chance and objective circumstances, thus reaching the non-obvious area of choice, agency as well as attempts to argue with human condition and history.}, title={Migracje nieoczywiste w prozie Olgi Tokarczuk = Non-obvious migrations in the prose of Olga Tokarczuk}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Tokarczuk, Olga (1962- ), migracje nieoczywiste, filozofia idei, non-obvious migrations, philosophy of ideas}, }