@misc{Wawryk_Joanna_Gry, author={Wawryk, Joanna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Published in 2022, "Fairy Tale" by Stephen King contains a number of references to classic and contemporary texts. In this fantasy novel, intertextuality is an expression of a conscious creative strategy. The novel follows the determinants of postmodern literature, and it can be interpreted in mythocritical and psychoanalytical terms. The realistic, fairy-tale/magic and mythical themes were analysed in the article.}, abstract={The paper also discusses how King, through references to pop culture and classics, primarily fairy tales and films, shows the structure of myth. The fate of the main character of the novel is psychologically justified, but it also follows a classic initiation scenario and can be related to the monomyth model.}, abstract={The protagonist`s transgressions are an experience of the horror of existence. In the metatextual layer, "Fairy Tale" brings praise to fantasy literature, which is a modern horror narrative and takes over the functions that myth and fairy tale used to have. In addition, the novel refers to authors who were important to King himself and the literary works that inspired him. The novel can be read as a conscious act of including the writer`s work in this textual universe.}, title={Gry intertekstualne Stephena Kinga - "Baśniowa opowieść" wobec popkultury, klasyki i mitu = Stephen King`s intertextual games - "Fairy Tale" and pop culture, classics and myths}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={King, Stephen (1947- ). Baśniowa opowieść, fantasy, interteksualność, baśń, klasyka literacka, popkultura, mit, intertextuality, fairy tale, literary classics, pop culture, myth}, }