@misc{Kotlarska_Irmina_Kilka, author={Kotlarska, Irmina}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The text aims to describe the contextual conditions and textual testimonies documenting the institutional teaching of English in Poland in the interwar period. The extensive contextual entanglements of educational activities popularising the knowledge of English (and American) language and culture among Poles makes discourse the overriding category for the presented considerations. The basic method used in the article is a content analysis of sources of various types, which makes it possible to indicate the relationship between the English language teaching goals postulated in government documents and their textbook implementation.}, title={Kilka uwag o polskim dyskursie glottodydaktycznym w okresie międzywojennym (na przykładzie nauczania języka angielskiego) - teksty i konteksty = Some remarks on the Polish glottodidactic discourse in the interwar period (on the example of English language teaching) - texts and contexts}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={dzieje nauczania języka angielskiego w Polsce, dwudziestolecie międzywojenne, dyskurs edukacyjny, dyskurs glottodydaktyczny, analiza treściowa źródeł, history of English language teaching in Poland, interwar period, educational discourse, glottodidactic discourse, content analysis of sources}, }