@misc{Pałucka-Czerniak_Iwona_W, author={Pałucka-Czerniak, Iwona}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article has been devoted to the analysis of the circles of meaning "honesty", "modesty", "decency" and "piety", as well as the collocations and contexts of the use of lexemes evoking them in social and fraternity articles of the Krakow brewers` guild from the 17th and 18th centuries. It can be observed that lawmakers are mainly interested in such personality traits that allow for the safe and efficient functioning of corporations.}, abstract={In the articles, outside the above-mentioned circles of meaning, there are also more specific descriptions of the journeyman`s attributes, e.g. "diligence", "obedience", "loyalty to one`s masters", "sobriety" and "kindness". At the other extreme of the journeyman`s image, it is possible to see the properties of his anti-pattern, which are "vice", "frivolity", "indecent behaviour", especially "not taking care of work" ("lack of supervision"), "carelessness", "idleness", "drunkenness", "playing cards and dice", "committing prostitution", but also "offending with dishonest words", "ruffling" at masters and their wives.}, abstract={An important element of the journeyman`s anti-pattern is work for people not affiliated with the guild or the so-called obstacles, leaving work without notice or replacement, and "spoiling the job". Over the course of nearly 180 years, a change in both the image of a journeyman and a change in the way of editing entries in articles and ordinances have become visible.}, title={W poszukiwaniu językowego pierwowzoru wizerunku czeladnika piwowarskiego = In search of a linguistic prototype for the image of a brewing journeyman}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={historia języka polskiego, cech, wspólnota towarzyska (czeladników), wzór osobowy, leksyka wartościująca, history of the Polish language, guilds, social (journeymen) community, personal pattern, evaluative lexicon}, }