@misc{Uździcka_Marzanna_Paratekst, author={Uździcka, Marzanna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The considerations undertaken in the article result from a research project carried out in recent years on the issue of the functioning of paratexts in popular culture texts. The first part characterizes the concept of paratext as seen by its creator, French literary scholar Gérard Genette, and the reception process of his ideas in Polish linguistic research to date.}, abstract={The second part presents a proposal for adapting the literary paratextual methodology to the study of popular culture texts from a linguistic perspective. In the proposed concept, paratext is captured according to Genette`s canonical definition, but its field of reference is more comprehensive than in previous linguistic research. This is because paratexts are considered any unit that escorts the main text expressed in different codes.}, abstract={However, the object of analysis is only those texts that formally implement the patterns of already recognized speech genres, adapted in the role of paratext (e.g., glossary, narrative role-playing game manual, map, etc.). The main research questions concern the influence of the paratextual function on the realization of the structural, pragmatic, cognitive and stylistic aspects of the pattern of the analyzed specimens.}, title={Paratekst w badaniach lingwistycznych (rekonesans badawczy) = Paratext in linguistic research (research reconnaissance)}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={paratekst, paratektualność, metatekst, tekst, Genette, Gérard (1930-2018), paratext, paratextuality, metatext, text}, }