@misc{Bartosiak_Katarzyna_Filozofia, author={Bartosiak, Katarzyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={With its focus on human existence, with its inherent search for value and meaning, the attempt to live a full and committed, free and authentic life, the philosophy of existence is an interesting doctrine for therapists, counsellors and coaches who, in their approach to man, pay particular attention to his existential crises and sufferings, but also to his freedom, his desire for self-development and his ability to make choices.}, abstract={The concepts of philosophers such as Heidegger, Kierkegaard, Sartre and Jaspers, often combined with phenomenological and hermeneutic thought, are used in the practice of existentially oriented psychotherapy: in logotherapy, existential analysis, Dasein analysis (Daseinsanalyse), existential-humanistic therapy, existential-phenomenological therapy and are sometimes assimilated in counselling and coaching processes.}, abstract={Existential counselling, in its broadest sense, "escapes" a simple definition: it is characterised by diversity both in the choice of methods and techniques, the problems addressed and the reference to a particular concept of philosophical existentialism. Perhaps the common denominator of the existential counselling approach is the dialogue between therapist/coach/counsellor and client: a relationship that is different every time, because it is based on mutual openness and without presuppositions, a relationship that is at the same time an "authentic encounter" between two existences.}, title={Filozofia w działaniu: egzystencjalizm w doradztwie, terapiach i coachingu = Philosophy in action: existentialism in counselling, therapy and coaching}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={egzystencjalizm, psychoterapia egzystencjalna, coaching egzystencjalny, doradztwo filozoficzne, existentialism, existential psychotherapy, existential coaching, philosophical counseling}, }