@misc{Konstańczak_Stefan_(1955-_)_Efektywność, author={Konstańczak, Stefan (1955- )}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={In his article, the author made an attempt to highlight the genesis and specificity of health coaching which has been dynamically developing recently. The author`s initial assumption is to consider health coaching as a set of impacts stimulating pro-health behaviors of clients. The motivational interviewing procedure is a tool enabling effective interaction of this type.}, abstract={In the author`s opinion, the pandemic turned out to be a challenge for health coaching, as the universality of the existing threat significantly hindered the use of methods proven in traditional coaching. For this reason, individual impact carried out where there is a possibility of effective and systematic control over customer behavior turned out to be the most effective one.}, title={Efektywność health coachingu w dobie pandemii = The Efficiency of Health Coaching in the Pandemic Times}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={coaching, health coaching, dialog motywacyjny, pandemia, efektywność coachingu, motivational interviewing, pandemic, efficiency of health coaching}, }