@misc{Fabjański_Marcin_Terapia, author={Fabjański, Marcin}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={In this article, based on the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, I postulate metaphysically balanced philosophical counseling - a practice that, while not neglecting a specific metaphysical vision of the world (which distinguishes philosophical counseling from any other forms of counseling and psychotherapy), does not accept a priori any metaphysical dogmas. The recipient of such counseling, which I call therapeia, is encouraged to inquire into the ontological structure of the world.}, abstract={Nietzsche, proposing his program of human flourishing (eudaimonia), criticizes all previous philosophical therapeutic approaches, including those of Hellenistic schools such as the Stoic school, for a certain metaphysical ossification that deprives the philosopher of the freedom to create himself. I do not consider this criticism to be fair. For Marcus Aurelius, for example, metaphysics is subordinate to therapy. I am looking for elements in Nietzsche`s philosophy that could be used by contemporary philosophical counseling so that while redefining itself, the field will not lose its philosophical DNA and do not become one of many types of psychotherapy.}, title={Terapia według Nietzschego. W stronę wyważonego metafizycznie poradnictwa filozoficznego = Therapy according to Nietzsche. Towards a metaphysically balanced philosophical counseling}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm (filozof niemiecki; 1844-1900), poradnictwo filozoficzne, metafizyka, psychoterapia, dostrojenie od procesu życia, philosophical counseling, metaphysics, psychotherapy, attunement to the life process of life}, }