@misc{Woszczyk_Agnieszka_Niedyrektywność, author={Woszczyk, Agnieszka}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article presents a discussion of non-directivity in the practice of philosophical counselling. It shows philosophical counselling as a process that is not axiologically neutral and has a potentially corrective effect on the way the counselee thinks and experiences.}, abstract={A critical factor in maintaining non-directivity in counselling sessions is the application of philosophical techniques and theories in an attitude of maximum respect for the counselee. This is expressed in respecting the dissenting views of the counselee, even if they do not conform to a particular model of philosophical rationality. The sine qua non of non-directivity is also to allow for pluralism of philosophical theories and methods, to avoid seeking solutions to problems, to respect the impossibility of making final judgements, to reinforce the autonomy of the advised and to pay attention to the limits of the usefulness of philosophical dilemmas in order not to complicate the problem situation.}, title={Niedyrektywność w doradztwie filozoficznym = Non-directivity in philosophical counseling}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={niedyrektywność, doradztwo filozoficzne, autonomia, racjonalność, samoświadomość, krytycyzm, neutralność, non-directivity, philosophical counseling, autonomy, rationality, self-awareness, criticism, neutrality}, }