@misc{Grondys_Mariusz_Wartość, author={Grondys, Mariusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The author of the article The value of sickness in the context of family highlights that because of the sickness one has to reevaluate his or her goals in life. He also writes changes that happen within the family when a member - especially a child - is chronically sick. Backing his reflection with work of psychologists the author shows the differences on how the father and the mother get engaged in the life of a sick child. The author ponders upon families with disabled children pointing out various crises that are experienced both by parents and children in such situations. The author presents difficulties in functioning of such a family in larger society.}, abstract={In ending remarks the author points out that the sickness strengthens relationships within the family due to deepening of the encounters with sickness as its background. Such connection is true, and creates awareness that a person has his or her value despite his or her health condition.}, title={Wartość choroby w kontekście rodzinnym = The value of sickness in the context of family}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={zdrowie, choroba, niepełnosprawność, rodzina, relacje interpersonalne, health, illness, disability, family, interpersonal relations}, }