@misc{Kulczycka_Dorota_"Lekarzu, author={Kulczycka, Dorota}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Observing emerging trends in contemporary Polish literature and culture, the author of the article concludes that some of them show strong affinities with nineteenth-century naturalism. The main features that they share are: verism, biologism, the focus on marginal or pathological groups of society, language stylized on the idiom of lower classes (which, in Żulczyk`s prose, does not mean lower socially, but morally). Another point of convergence is a particular selection of material which leads to generalizations concerning human motivations, foregrounding the primacy of Darwinian struggle for survival and of the sexual instinct. Post- or neo-(hiper)naturalism is not just a trend observed in contemporary literature, but also a methodological suggestion for literary studies.}, title={"Lekarzu ulecz samego siebie" - neo-nadnaturalizm prozy Jakuba Żulczyka = "Physician heal thyself". Neo-(hiper)naturalism in Jakub Żulczyk`s prose}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={neonaturalizm, neo-nadnaturalizm, Żulczyk, Jakub (1983- ), literatura polska - tematyka - 21 w., biologizm, weryzm, neonaturalism, neo-(hiper)naturalism, Polish literature - 21 century, biologism, verism}, }