@misc{Kuzio_Anna_Medycyna, author={Kuzio, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={People have a natural affinity for storytelling and presumably have evolved to communicate through the medium of storytelling. Storytelling has also gained popularity in the medical field because of Rita Charon, who shaped the term "narrative medicine". Every healthcare professional has at some point had an encounter or interaction or observation that has probably shaped the way they relate to prospective patients or their families. Unfortunately, not in all cases do such changes turn out to be beneficial and can negatively impact patient-doctor communication.}, abstract={In her study, Rita Charon concluded that narrative medicine not only enhances doctors` relationships with colleagues, promotes empathy, but most of all supports the process of healing patients. However, at the same time, the experts pointed out that narrative medicine may not be easy to learn, and the risk arises that physicians may neglect other crucial components of their patients? care.}, abstract={The current article is aimed at outlining the communication assumptions of narrative medicine and its perception by patients and physicians with a consideration of the communication aspect. So far, there have been few studies investigating the communicative perceptions and use of narrative medicine as a tool to build an effective discourse between patient and doctor, particularly when this discourse involves chronic diseases, in which patients develop a relationship with their doctor over many years. The preliminary findings of the empirical study reveal the potential concerns and the prospects for developing narrative medicine as a tool for effective communication.}, title={Medycyna narracyjna w ujęciu Rity Charon: utopia czy świetlana przyszłość? Znaczenie medycyny narracyjnej w kształtowaniu procesu komunikacji między lekarzem i pacjentem = Narrative medicine in Rita Charon`s view: utopia or bright future? The importance of narrative medicine in shaping the doctor-patient communication process}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={medycyna narracyjna, dyskurs, Charon, Rita (1949- ), narrative medicine, discourse}, }