@misc{Majewska_Lucyna_"Cielesność, author={Majewska, Lucyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Morality determines certain set of behaviors, which are the consequences of decisions made about choosing good versus evil, on the basis of the moral norms and gut instinct (or moral intuition). The "new (in)morals" - biomorality, wellness syndrome, diet culture - reverse understanding of morality. They encourage one`s to constantly controls appearance, counts calories, even obsessively keeps an eye on healthy and balanced meals - morality in this contexts is very corporeal.}, abstract={It has been forgotten that moral behavior requires guarding one`s character, refining thinking, exercising in making the right decisions. In this sense, the choice between good and evil is limited to things beyond one`s control, such as disease, which is equated with something evil. As a consequence one`s automatically labeled a bad person just because one?s is ill. In this paper, I present various forms of "corporeality of morality", trying to draw attention to the fact that they are wrong, and I describe what behaviors really should be the pursuit of moral perfection.}, title={"Cielesność moralności" - prolegomena do współczesnych dyskusji = "Corporeality of morality" - prolegomena to contemporary discussions}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={kultura diety, syndrom dobrego samopoczucia, moralność, zdrowie, choroba, ortoreksja, biomoralność, diet culture, wellness syndrome, well-being, morality, health, illness, orthorexia, biomorality}, }