@misc{Sawicka_Patrycja_Getto, author={Sawicka, Patrycja}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article presents the linguistic picture of the disease and the picture of difficult motherhood. The first part of the article briefly presents the linguistic picture of the world. The second part of the article shows: the inseparability of man and disease - different emotions, metaphors; diseases as fights - there are different types of fights; disease as a space of abandonment - different dimensions of abandonment. Attention is also drawn to the image of the mother, who plays a very important role in the whole situation.}, title={Getto macierzyństwa. Językowy obraz choroby w książce Agnieszki Szpili "Łebki od Szpilki" = Ghetto of motherhood. Linguistic image of an illness based on Agnieszka Szpila?s book "Pins head" ("Łebki od Szpilki")}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={choroba, dziecko, językowy obraz świata, illness, child, linguistic picture of the world}, }