@misc{Seul-Michałowska_Sylwia_Twórczość, author={Seul-Michałowska, Sylwia}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of this work is to look for the relationship between the pandemic, health and creativity. The announcement of the pandemic caused stress that became a life event. In the light of Holmes and Rahe?s theory, cumulative life events reduce physical immunity and increase susceptibility to infections. The Newman concept assumes that life events (crisis), as a result of adopting a creative attitude towards them, lead to the effective implementation of developmental tasks (faced at that moment).}, abstract={Successfully going through a crisis (and the stress that accompanies it) is the basis for continuing mental development. According to Stanisław Kowalik`s concept, creativity is an effective form of filling the cognitive void of both the creator and the recipient. It is therefore conducive to resolving the crisis. It has been shown that creativity (blogging) in adolescence is an example of overcoming the experience of cognitive emptiness and fear during the developmental crisis of adolescence.}, abstract={The work ends with a presentation of selected research results on student students responding to the pandemic crisis. The adolescent crisis and the pandemic crisis overlapped. Some young people showed signs of being in crisis. Another group of students creatively analyzed the situation and treated it as a task to which they devoted their (given, as they considered) time. This group shows signs of successful resolution of the musician`s professional identity crisis.}, title={Twórczość i rozwój w kontekście pandemii = Creativity and development in the context of the pandemic}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={pandemia, zdrowie, adolescencja, kryzys, sztuka, pandemic, health, adolescence, crisis, art}, }