@misc{Wawryk_Joanna_Wobec, author={Wawryk, Joanna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article discusses the visualization of the leper colony on Spinalonga in the contemporary novels by Victoria Hislop (The Island, 2005) and Magda Knedler (Szepty z wyspy samotności [Whispers from the Island of Solitude], 2020), and in the reportage by Małgorzata Gołota (Spinalonga - wyspa trędowatych [Spinalonga - the Island of Lepers], 2021). The presented considerations are mainly literary in nature, but they also refer to other contexts related to the perception of leprosy over the centuries. A number of myths concerning this disease were perpetuated in literature, contributing to the exclusion of patients from society.}, abstract={Inspired by the beauty of the Greek island and the dramatic history of the leprosarium, Hislop and Knedler transformed the image of a leper colony in a literary way. They showed the tragic fate of characters, without repeating harmful stereotypes about the disease. The truth about the situation of leprosy patients, who were forcibly placed in the leprosarium in Spinalonga, was presented by Małgorzata Gołota, who based her reportage on a number of accounts and documents. In contemporary literature, the leper is still a figure of the excluded. Fortunately, there are also factual texts that demythologize the image of a leprosy patient, which is important as people are still struggling with this currently curable disease.}, title={Wobec mitów i faktów. Przedstawienia kolonii trędowatych na Spinalondze we współczesnej literaturze = Against myths and facts. Depictions of the leper colony on Spinalonga in contemporary literature}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Spinalonga, trąd, powieść obyczajowa, literatura faktu, Hislop, Victoria (brytyjska pisarka; 1959- ), Knedler, Magdalena (polska pisarka; 1983- ), Gołota, Małgorzata (1986- ), leprosy, fiction, non-fiction}, }