@misc{Gaweł_Sara_Felieton, author={Gaweł, Sara}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The following work "Felicity as stylistic freedom of expression (on the example of the texts of Maciej Stuhr)" presents selected stylistic means used by the columnist (M. Stuhr) in pursuit of the title freedom of expression. The considerations are based on M. Stuhr`s texts, which appeared regularly in the magazine "Zwierciadło" in 2009-2013, and were later collected and published as a collection of columns "In a crooked mirror". In her reflections, the author referred to a number of other scholarly studies treating the columnist as a genre and the literary phenomena occurring in it.}, abstract={The work focuses on the use of, among other things, potocisms, sarcasm and irony, subjectivism, and thus the presentation of the self by M. Stuhr. On specific columns, the author points out the various linguistic procedures that promote linguistic freedom, notes their important role in columnists, which she supports with examples of the work of various scholars. The work also did not lack references to the columnist as a genre and its characteristic features changing over the years.}, title={Felieton jako stylistyczna swoboda wypowiedzi (na przykładzie tekstów Macieja Stuhra) = Felicity as stylistic freedom of expression (on the example of Maciej Stuhr`s texts)}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={felieton, swoboda wypowiedzi, sarkazm, subiektywizm, column, free speech, sarcasm, subjectivity}, }